- Order number: 404805
The 'iU880B LoRaWAN™' USB Radio Stick has an adjustable output power of up to +18 dBm (EIRP) at 868 MHz, combined with an outstanding high sensitivity of the USB-Stick, distance ranges up to 6,000 m can be achieved.
In combination with IMSTs Long Range Radio Studio and DLL, the 'iU880B LoRaWAN™' can easily be configured. Furthermore a wide range of sample applications and comprehensive logging capabilities are given. The Host Controller Interface (HCI) is fully compatible with the iM880B-L.
USB to UART bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers for Microsoft Windows®, Windows CE® and Linux are available (www.ftdichip.com). The 'iU880B LoRaWAN™' is targeted for a huge variety of networked applications like Smart Metering, Smart Cities, IoT and M2M.
The USB-Adapter is pre-programmed with LoRaWAN™ (non-personalized: DevEUI set, all other parameter (DevAddr, NwkSKey, AppSKey, AppKey set to zero).
LoRaWAN™ is a trademark of LoRa Alliance™, LoRa® is a registered trademark of Semtech, Inc. Microsoft Windows®, Microsoft CE® are registered trademarks of Microsoft, Inc.